What would you do

If you could put aside

90% of what you pay in taxes ?

Within the Principality of Andorra, you can go from being in your office to being in a pleasant, relaxing touristical place within minutes. Its landscape, its relaxing nature, its ski resorts and its spas are always within immediate reach. Its geographical situation puts you at a very short distance from cities like Toulouse, Perpignan and Barcelona – and of Spanish and French beaches alike.

In Andorra, you can easily get time off by yourself or with your family. Its touristical nature, rural retreats, ski resorts and geothermal spas… are always nearby. Its geographical location means it is also quite close to major Spanish and French towns and beaches.

Expand or even start a new business. The availability of extra cash will allow you to seize new opportunities. These ideas you have in mind can now become reality and sources of new revenue.

You will no longer be the state’s tax slave. Trust us with your expatriation to Andorra and you will benefit too from a fiscal shield that’s limited to a IGI (VAT) of no more than 4.5%, and an income/corporate tax capped at 10%.

Here's how Andorra's fiscality compares to other countries .

Make the next move for your life.

Why Come To Andorra ?

Our team and partners will study your professional and personal profile. Our role ? To guarantee your relocation in the most effective and economical way !

Our team and partners, toughened by their vast experience and networks will allow your relocating process to be done quicker than any other firm, allowing you to be legally integrated within the Andorran fiscal system in no time.

Our work doesn’t stop there ! Once your relocation is over with, you’ll have to manage your business and generate revenue. We put to your disposal our accounting, consulting, legal and fiscal advisory services.

Pay the minimum in taxes in full legal compliance

The taxman isn't following you to Andorra.

Enjoy the lowest fiscal burden as possible with Come To Andorra FaviconCome To Andorra while being in full legal compliance with your departing jurisdiction.

Your country of origen will not be able to sue you for relocating to Andorra

We master the fiscal systems of European Union member-states and therefore can guarantee a fiscal and personal relocation that will safeguard your wealth, your portfolio and your business. You will then be out of reach from your country of origin’s fiscal system.

Quick & Easy

Looking for a new life ? Let us optimize your net benefit by making you save up to 90% of your current fiscal burden.
Contact-us (non-bindingly) and our team will present you our quick, legal and safe relocation plan to Andorra.

Our Services:


Fiscal Management

M&A Management

Consulting & Reporting

And more !

Have a look at more services in this category ยป


Company registration

Commercial & administrative licenses

Mergers & Acquisitions

And more !

Have a look at more services in this category ยป

Relocation & Other services

Employment management

Immigration counseling

Legal compliance

And more !

Have a look at more services in this category ยป

Andorra has a place for your situation. company. life. family.








Want to know how much you could save up as a fiscal resident in Andorra ?

We've made a free and simple tool for you which allows you to estimate your potential tax savings as an andorran resident.

In less than 2 minutes you'll be able to know if Andorra is the best choice for you.