Our fiscal services:

Local & International fiscal management

Our modus operandi is specialization and optimization. The financial liberalization of Andorra being a fairly recent change (2012) we have been able to give breakthrough management through innovative and, above all, specialised work tailored to each clients’ needs.

Fiscal management

Should you decide to come to andorra, our collaboration doesn’t necessarily have to end after your relocation.

We support our clients many, many years after their relocation. From the constant consulting from ever-growing businesses, to updating our clients regarding compliance laws and quarter to quarter fiscal management.

We will take into our hands the legal and fiscal paperwork that naturally occurs throughout a business’ life, from the preparation and presentation of tax and legal forms to their full and correct compliance.

Merger & Acquisition management and counseling

Through our due diligence process, we review fiscal transaction reports, we supervise and manage the structure of the transaction itself through a fiscal perspective as well as analysing all aspects related to a transaction.

We take much pride in having assessed and performed some of the largest mergers in recent andorran history.

Through our diligent research and review, we can provide fiscal managing and apply tax neutrality in corporate restructure operations. Including the compliance of formal obligations relating to tributary matters.

Consulting and reporting

We are here to solve or shed light into any inquiry you might have regarding tax, fiscal or tributary matters. We elaborate detailed fiscal plannning and fiscal managing reports relative to any analysis we can do for you.

We analyse the benefits and risks regarding the relocation of your fiscal residence to the Principality of Andorra.

We're an honest bunch, and it is simply a fact of life that relocation isn't feasable for many people or even desirable financially speaking. We will be very upfront about this should we conclude that the risk to benefits ratio is not in your favour. All of our reports, analysis, or other work we might do for you come with absolute and total honesty and with your best interests in mind.

Fiscal planning and advisory

Our team of amazing accountants will analyze your wealth and portfolios to offer you fiscal strategies to optimize as much as possible the tax burden applied to it.

Our analysis stems from a view of multiple jurisdisctions and tax laws in correlation to the Principality of Andorra’s own jurisdiction.

Throughout the years we have assessed and followed many different people and companies from very different places. The diversity of their overall wealth were equal to their origins. From the simplest "all cash" people to the most risk-prone investors and holding companies, we've dealt with them all !

Advisory in tax proceedings

We advise and represent you in all types of tax proceedings, with extensive and successful experience in management, examination and sanctioning proceedings, including contentious-administrative proceedings in the tax field.