Other services:

Relocation & other services

As a foreign sole company owner, future employee or entrepreneur looking to relocate, the first issue that we will have to tackle for you is your immigration process. Remember, the Principality of Andorra is not part of the Schengen agreement. It has its own borders and its own immigration process, which we are heavily specialized with.

Employment management

We draft, analyse and revise work contracts, provide counseling with Social Security and labour law compliance, as well as managing termination, contracting and interim contracts.

Immigration related counseling

We process active and non-lucrative residence permits, employee posting, expats and impats, residence permit renewals and resolution of administrative procedures.

Legal compliance

We offer counsel and management in relation to compliance procedures particularly towards banking entities and Andorran authorities.

The correct following of judiciary updates and tax procedures is time consuming, especially if your situation requires compliance with several jurisdictions. We offer to manage and represent you fully within total compliance of Andorran law.

Real Estate advisory

We offer management and advice in the acquisition and transfer of real estate, and in real estate investments.